It’s possible that your day will be more enjoyable if you are insulated from the market.

If you have a boss who has a boss…

If you don’t have to review the sales numbers for the products you created or edited…

If you have raised a ton of venture investment…

If you are embracing the discontent of being unpublished, undistributed or unfunded…

An alternative is to seek to strip away all market insulation, the equivalent of the kid selling cookies at a table in front of their house. Either people buy the cookies or they don’t.

The market might be wrong, it might be callous or it might be stupid, but there it is, right in front of you.

Too much market awareness pushes us to be short-sighted, hustling to pander.

And too much insulation almost guarantees that we’ll end up solipsistic, listening only to one voice and ultimately bitter when it turns out the voice was wrong.