I have been running Reddit ads for a few months now and almost all enterprise clients were converted from Reddit Ads. It may or may not work for you but it’s definitely worth a shot.

This is the real screenshot of my ad campaign


  1. Choose the best-performing organic post on your social media and use it as an ad.
  2. Don’t start with a full budget, try spending $10 a day for 5 working days and see how that performs, make adjustments and find a sweet spot where you seem to get above-average conversions
  3. Do not accidentally click on broadcast ads, that will just spread your ad to users with various interests. I made that mistake. Instead, you can choose a target ad and specific subreddits where your ideal customer exists.
  4. Do not select all countries to target your ads. My sweet spot is the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, France, Denmark, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg and Norway.
  5. I noticed conversions on weekends are usually very low

submitted by /u/No_Load3387
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