Non-Profit Marketing

My Choice or Yours?

When was the last time you felt good about being lightly manipulated or guilted into something? Probably never. Behavioral economics 101 emphasizes the power of

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Recommended Reading

Marketing for the Non-Profit Sector

After reading this book you will understand why it is essential for non-profit organisations to market their services and how they can research their customers. This book stresses the actions necessary for an organisation to succeed in marketing based on good practice in both the profit and non-profit sectors.

Research For Non-Profit

Marketing Research for Non-Profit, Community and Creative Organizations

'Marketing Research for Non-profit, Community and Creative Organizations' is a comprehensive guide to conducting research methods within the non-profit sector. Highly practical, the purpose of the book is two-fold. Firstly, it aims to educate the readers on how research can be utilized to help their organization reach its goals. Secondly, it shows how to conduct different methods of research, including focus groups, interviews, projective techniques, observations and surveys, and how to use the findings of these to improve products, target customers and develop effective promotions.Concise and well-structured, the text provides a step-by-step process to help the reader understand and apply the various research methodologies.

Non-Profit Organization

Business Plan Non Profit Organization Template

his business book is different. Unlike every other book you'll read with titles like "How To Craft The Perfect Business Plan in 89 Incredibly Simple Steps", this book is different. It's a simple "How To" guide for creating a Business Plan that's right for you and your business and also an easy to follow workbook. The workbook will guide you through the process you need to follow. It tells you the questions that you need to consider, the numbers you need (and how to get them), and supporting documents you need to gather. The main purpose of a business plan is to aid YOU in running YOUR business. So the workbook has been designed for you to write the information in and refer back to as needed. If you need to supply your Business Plan to another party, such as a bank if you're looking for finance, then it's simple to type up the various sections for a professional document.

Non-Profit Organizations

The Handbook of Direct Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations: Relevance - Responsibility - Results - R.O.I.

A practical reference guide for all non-profit marketers, packed with case studies covering all aspects of the 'art' and 'science' of direct marketing, Sharma's handbook focusses on using a real understanding of your donor to drive results from your next campaign.

Non-Profit Organization

Managing the Non-Profit Organization: Principles and Practices

The groundbreaking and premier work on nonprofit organizations The nonprofit sector is growing rapidly, creating a major need for expert advice on how to manage these organizations effectively. Management legend Peter Drucker provides excellent examples and explanations of mission, leadership, resources, marketing, goals, and much more. Interviews with nine experts also address key issues in this booming sector.

Sustainable Non-Profit

Sustainable Non-Profit Management

This book is about charity management in the United States. It is intended for people who want to run their church, charity, or other not-for-profit corporation in a healthy, responsible, and sustainable way. It also contains hard-hitting descriptions of what happens when good intentions go awry and when charity administrators make bad, shortsighted decisions that are based on a flawed understanding of basic business law.The emphasis is on small and regional charities, however the book discusses budgeting, marketing techniques and cash flow analysis techniques that are relevant to national and even global charitable ventures. The book also introduces the concept of "social capital", which is the primary means by which charities operate.

Managing the Non-Profit Organization

A Drucker management classic, first published in 1990, which breaks down any narrow definition of management and is aimed specifically at decision-makers and managers working in non-profit making and charitable organizations to help them apply the principles of good management to their sector. Drawing from the American experience, Drucker poignantly illustrates his discussion of management by quoting his in-depth interviews with top executives from non-profit making organizations. The issues of mission, performance, people and relationships, leadership and developing managers are eloquently discussed and Drucker provides Action Implications throughout the book which are of practical importance to the reader.

Strategic Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations

Reflecting the most recent, relevant information in the field, this best-selling book offers readers a practical foundation for marketing in nonprofit organizations. KEY TOPICS: Its coverage encompasses the entire marketing process, providing valuable insights on strategic evaluations, positioning, market targeting, and more. MARKET: For managers and future managers of nonprofit organizations, for-profit organizations, and government agencies.