Data is the most valuable resource in every business, and digital advertising is no exception. That’s why ad analytics are indispensable. They give publishers all the necessary insights into ad performance and audience behavior. However, it’s up to publishers to know how to utilize these metrics to best optimize their strategies. 

Why Are Ad Analytics Important for Publishers

While website metrics, video analytics, and similar provide publishers with a general idea of how their website and content are performing, ad analytics offer publishers all the necessary data to boost ad performance and, consequently, maximize revenue. By analyzing metrics such as impressions and click-through rates, publishers can optimize their ad placements and formats accordingly, boosting their revenue potential

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In addition, publishers also gain an understanding of how users interact with the ads on their website (e.g., most optimal placements, most favorable ad formats, relevancy, etc.). This makes it easier for them to serve relevant ads in placements that won’t hinder the user’s browsing experience, lessening the effects of ad fatigue and improving the overall user experience on their website. 

What Should Quality Ad Analytics Have?


Quality ad analytics for publishers should have a range of features and capabilities. The following are some of the most essential components:

  • Extensive Data Tracking – Your chosen ad analytics should track metrics such as impressions, clicks, conversions, click-through rates (CTR), viewability, and engagement across different ad formats and placements; 
  • Real-Time Reporting – Publishers need access to real-time data to quickly identify trends, make timely decisions, and optimize strategies; 
  • Ad Fraud Detection – Robust ad analytics should include mechanisms to detect and prevent ad fraud to ensure advertisers get what they paid for. This helps publishers uphold a reputable standing within the industry. 
  • Revenue Tracking – Publishers need to track revenue generated from ads accurately. This includes revenue by advertiser, campaign, ad format, and placement, allowing publishers to understand which inventory is most profitable. 
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility – With users accessing content across various devices and platforms, quality ad analytics should be able to track and analyze ad performance across different devices (desktop, mobile) and platforms (website, app).
  • Integration With Ad Networks and Exchanges –  Seamless integration with ad networks and ad exchanges enables publishers to consolidate data from multiple sources and get an overview of their ad performance.
  • Compliance and Privacy – Ad analytics should comply with privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA, ensuring data is handled responsibly and ethically.

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How to Use Ad Analytics to Boost Your Ad Revenue

Utilizing ad analytics to the fullest potential demands a strategic approach that extends beyond traditional metrics. That’s why we decided to share some practical tips on how to best use ad analytics to boost revenue. 

Track Performance Across Demand Sources 

 With numerous demand partners, ad networks, and ad exchanges, publishers need to look over each source both individually and in the broader financial picture. Comparing and contrasting helps them identify quality partnerships, potential candidates for termination, and any existing gaps in strategies. For instance, a good practice for publishers would be to give priority to consistent sources. You can place them as the first source to call for an ad. 

Keeping up-to-date with buyer trends enables publishers to proactively adapt. Knowing which ad formats are most relevant will help you ensure whether the ad inventory you’re offering is sought-after on the market. This allows you to maintain a competitive edge. For instance, if you get back-to-back ads for a specific placement e.g., an instream unit, you could potentially raise the price floors for the inventory in question.

Combine Metrics With Handy Features 

When you have an extensive pool of performance data, like with quality ad analytics, the next step is finding the most optimal tools to help put this data to good use. For instance, features such as:

  • Call Ad Again – By analyzing fill rates, you can establish which inventory is performing poorly and implement TargetVideo’s Call Ad Again feature. If the standard auto-play player receives no valid ad call responses, the Call Ad Again feature will load a new click-to-play player as a backup, which will then deliver a new ad. By placing an additional ad call after the first unsuccessful one for the same slot, you are doubling your chances of serving an ad. In addition, click-to-play ads have higher CPMs and engagement as they are unmuted, unlike their auto-play counterparts. 
  • Loop Ads – Thanks to ad analytics, you will be able to single out your best-performing inventory. Then you can maximize its revenue potential with the Loop Ads feature. This feature enables your outstream ad units to continue making ad calls even after their first ad ends. This option will let you serve more than one outstream ad in a single user session. You’ll be serving ads indefinitely or until the user closes the outstream player. You can do the same with your well-performing instream placements by using ad podding. However, bear in mind that ad podding isn’t indefinite and you can cluster only a limited number of ads. 

Comprehensive Real-Time Ad Analytics

Stay on top of your ad game with TargetVideo’s powerful real-time ad analytics. Track ad performance, impressions, fill rates, viewability, and more across all devices from a unified analytics dashboard. In addition, TargetVideo also offers in-build header bidding analytics through our lightweight HTML5 Video Player. See what else our enterprise Video Platform has to offer, contact our sales team, and get a chance to test out our solution for free! 

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