Hey all,

I am currently experimenting with different ways in which to run PMax campaigns for biweekly promotions. These promotions however are often on a limited amount of products (sometimes about 5) and the Bid Strategy Learning phase takes the full 5 days. This means I am losing out on a big chunk of my promotion window of just 14 days.

I had previously always added several Asset Groups per biweekly period in an always-on PMax campaign in order to bypass this issue. However by doing so I am missing a level of control and granularity as to the reporting. I am running a script for the analysis however.

My question now is: is there a way to force a PMax campaign to spend a higher percentage of the budget on a specific Asset Group? Imagine I have 5 Asset Groups, and I would like 40% of the daily budget spending on Asset Group A.

Any guidance and pointers would be much appreciated 🙂


submitted by /u/Greg-TK
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