wants to know how to win others over to their side. Politicians, businesses,
and lovers have sought the ideal methods to get others to see things their way.
Obviously, no system can be employed to guarantee you can win someone over in
every situation, but the following steps should put you in a better position to
win over more people, more often: 

You must be willing to settle or compromise.
Win on the important stuff, but be willing to give back in other ways. 

You must optimize your listening skills in
order to understand where the other person is coming from. 

Don’t pass judgment on someone’s values; accept
that they operate under such beliefs and seek to appeal to what they value or

Do your research and prepare. By presenting
solid facts on behalf of your sales effort you will be in a position to show
benefits and solutions that you offer. 

Speak with confidence and conviction. If you
believe yourself, others will too. 

Act as if the other person (your customers) is
not being sold to but rather given something. You are sharing something of
value so let them see it that way too. 

Be passionate in what you do. People like to
see others with energy and vision. 

Be a good story teller. We all like a good

Reference others who have worked with you and
show that successful relationships developed as a result. 

Keep asking questions until you can narrow down
what stands between you and a deal. 

Make the case, clearly and repeatedly, of what
is in it for them.

Be creative, humorous, and engaging. 

Share a vision – show them how you fit in to their
bigger picture.

Body language, hand gestures, eye contact and
vocal gymnastics all play a role in how someone warms up to you. If need be,
film a mock interaction so you can see what others see. 

Focus on the value of what you offer and
provide and explain how it meets their needs – hopefully even exceeds. 

Be bold – don’t be shy. You need to stand out
or you don’t have a chance. Every communication interaction is an audition. 

Seek to gain their trust by confirming things
that they say or think. Ask approval questions: “Don’t you agree?” or “Doesn’t
that help you?”

Identify one’s buying signal or openness cue
and then pounce.

Anticipate objections and address them before
they are even raised.

Allow them to know you – who you are and what
you stand for. They are less likely to reject a “friend” or someone they have
gotten to know and can relate to on some level.

Look to help the person you interact with; they
may repay you with a sale.

Your ability to persuade also depends on
qualifying those you are selling to. If you find they are not your target
customer or in a position to value and buy what you offer, move on.

Tell the truth in a way people will believe
you. Without trust, you have nothing. 

You may not make a sale on the spot or from one
interaction, so follow up assertively. 

Understand how someone wants to be treated and
then treat them that way. 

Need PR Help?

Brian Feinblum, the founder of this award-winning
blog, with 3.6 million page views, can be reached at 
[email protected]  He is
available to help authors promote their story, sell their book, and grow their
brand. He has over 30 years of experience in successfully helping thousands of
authors in all genres. Let him be your advocate, teacher, and motivator!


About Brian

Brian Feinblum should be
followed on
www.linkedin.com/in/brianfeinblum. This is
copyrighted by BookMarketingBuzzBlog ©2024. Born and raised in Brooklyn, he now
resides in Westchester with his wife, two kids, and Ferris, a black lab rescue
dog, and El Chapo, a pug rescue dog. His writings are often featured in The
Writer and IBPA’s The Independent.  This
award-winning blog has generated over 3.8 million pageviews. With 4,900+ posts
over the past dozen years, it was named one of the best book marketing blogs by
http://blog.bookbaby.com/2013/09/the-best-book-marketing-blogs  and recognized by Feedspot in 2021 and 2018
as one of the top book marketing blogs. It was also named by
www.WinningWriters.com as a “best resource.” For the past three decades,
including 21 years as the head of marketing for the nation’s largest book
publicity firm, and director of publicity positions at two independent presses,
Brian has worked with many first-time, self-published, authors of all genres,
right along with best-selling authors and celebrities such as: Dr. Ruth, Mark
Victor Hansen, Joseph Finder, Katherine Spurway, Neil Rackham, Harvey Mackay,
Ken Blanchard, Stephen Covey, Warren Adler, Cindy Adams, Todd Duncan, Susan
RoAne, John C. Maxwell, Jeff Foxworthy, Seth Godin, and Henry Winkler. He
hosted a panel on book publicity for Book Expo America several years ago, and
has spoken at ASJA, Independent Book Publishers Association Sarah Lawrence
College, Nonfiction Writers Association, Cape Cod Writers Association,
Willamette (Portland) Writers Association, APEX, Morgan James Publishing, and
Connecticut Authors and Publishers Association. His letters-to-the-editor have
been published in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, New York Post, NY
Daily News, Newsday, The Journal News
(Westchester) and The Washington
. His first published book was The Florida homeowner, Condo, &
Co-Op Association Handbook
.  It was featured
in The Sun Sentinel and Miami Herald.