So, I have recently started a Jewelry business based on Ancient symbolism. For my first Ancient symbol I have used the Ancient Greek Meander symbol, I also have used this symbol as part of my logo, see here

Now tonight I was with my buddy and his wife, and I showed her one of my rings and asked what she thought of it. She said it looks nice and is a nice design, but it looks “ghetto” and like a knock off of Versace, See here!6089!3!Keyword!EXACT!!g!!versace&gad_source=1&gclsrc=ds.

My rebuttal was that:

Versace did not create the Meander symbol, it has been a symbol for over 2,000 years specialized by the Ancient Greeks (her counter was that it doesn’t matter).

I’m not trying to target the Versace audience. Most people don’t want to spend $300+ on Jewelry, and that the Meander is just my first symbol, My next symbol will be from a completely different time period and culture. (But my logo still has he Meander symbol like Versace)

My target is women in the middle class, not the high class like Versace and even then, a lot of people still don’t know that Versace even uses this symbol in their branding.

So my question to you is, was she right? Should I rebrand to prevent myself from becoming a “ghetto Versace”? Even though my theme is Ancient Symbolism from civilizations and cultures from all over history. I’m just starting out the with Greek Meander symbol. Thanks.

submitted by /u/joecapello
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