Teen Slasher Zero - a horror slasher novel book promotion by Daniel Trump


Teenagers are dying. The adults say suicide and are slow to act, but the geeks know better: someone is killing the geek teenagers and their loved ones.

Goth pixie girl Beatrice Tritten must deal with unbelievable tragedy and continue to pretend that everything is okay. She has a wonderful boyfriend, Ghostkin – but he’s away a lot of the time, doing something…no one knows what. Great teen hope Jalon Pierce must rally the geeks to try to investigate an impossible mystery, but even he can’t protect the geeks from these attacks. The ideal teen girl – Alexis Wright-Mitchell – faces overwhelming odds to try to survive. Jalon loves Alexis but knows that Alexis dates the popular and beautiful young man Bailey. Bailey is a golden boy who drinks a dozen beers every Friday and cheats at school to make valedictorian – but he doesn’t seem to be the killer. Both the killer and the geeks make extensive use of AI help from InfoXTL, the artificial intelligence designed in the town of New Liberty, Illinois. Which side will the artificial intelligence help? Does it care? Does it understand what is happening? The killer or killers can be seen butchering their way through New Liberty, Illinois with masks and a variety of weapons, including guns, daggers, and a wakizashi, a Japanese shortsword. There are rumblings of discontent at the rich students having bodyguards and police protection and the middle-class students having none of that. Can the teenagers get along for long enough to stop the madness? Or will they break apart and self-destruct? Check out this horror slasher from Daniel Trump, author of Modern Goth and Ascension.