UNAPOLOGETICALLY ECO-FIERCE: The Unfiltered Guide to Crafting a Conscious Brand green business ethics book promotion by Sarah Goodell


Free book promotion on Amazon 8/6/2024 – 8/9/2024!

Did you think you had to choose between success and soul? Think again! Your brand is about to be part of a bold new wave of change.

Is it really possible to build a brand that’s both memorable and meaningful – eco conscious and primed for growth and success?

Many business owners say no… They’ll fight tooth and nail to build an unforgettable brand, out to make money whatever the cost… and the cost to our planet is huge.

You know there’s a better way.

You know you can build a brand that will remain in the public consciousness at the same time as treading ethically and working to protect the environment.

You don’t just want to be eco-conscious… You want to be eco-fierce… Because that’s how your brand will be remembered, and that’s why your customers will choose you every time.

The secret lies in four Ps: People, Planet, Purpose, and Prosperity.

These Ps are the key to building a brand that has both soul and success at its heart… and there are shockingly few businesses like that in the world.

That’s why yours is going to stand out from the crowd.

It’s why it won’t get lost in the sea of forgettable businesses that choose success over ethics – and end up with neither.

You choose a better path… a path lined with success and sustainability… and this unique guide to building a conscious brand will show you how.

Inside, you won’t find your standard brand-building talk, shrouded in bland jargon and empty buzzwords… You’ll find an exciting and conversational take on the world of brand-building. You’ll find the human touch… and that’s exactly what a conscious and memorable brand needs.

Inside, you’ll discover:

  • Why your brand needs to be eco-fierce… and what exactly that means
  • The paradigm shift that flips the script – and how to embed it in your business
  • What you can do to put your brand at the forefront of the rise of conscious capitalism
  • A closer look at those 4 Ps and how you can use them to build a foundation for conscious success
  • Why your brand needs EQ over IQ (discover the science behind building emotion into branding)
  • How to craft your brand’s “purpose persona” (and why this is a must)
  • The DIY eco-audit you can use to power up your brand immediately
  • How to look at your brand through a different lens – do you know if your current strategies are accidentally creating a green mirage instead of a truly conscious model?
  • Why you can have your cake and eat it too – discover how profit and positive impact can go hand in hand (and how you can make it happen)
  • An inspirational collection of practical exercises you can work through now to make a huge difference to your brand – discover the Purpose Powerup!

And much more.

If building a conscious and ethical brand is your goal, you might struggle to see how you can make a profit and catch the world’s attention with your business… but there’s a way to combine success with social, economic, and environmental consciousness – and when you do that, you’ll create a truly unforgettable brand.

Your brand can be the change the world needs to see… and in turn, the world will see your brand. It’s time to be eco-fierce!