keep looking, searching, seeking, finding

you haven’t!

There’s always an answer. A way forward. A way to turn things around.

  • Often, the answer you need is already within you, but you need to dig deeper to find it. So, go for a long walk, think on paper or ask yourself a better version of the question.
  • Sometimes, another person has the answer you need. So talk to people. Especially those who you know are resourceful. Your answer could be literally one conversation away. So, get talking.
  • Other times, the answer you need is in a book, a newsletter or article. So, get reading.

Once you’ve accepted that there is an answer, you’re now free to focus 100% on finding it.




You’ll soon find exactly what you need. Just keep looking. Don’t quit.

When you’ve run out of options was written by Jim Connolly and originally published on Jim’s Marketing Blog